Created for “SEEN: Jewish Women Illustrate Jewish Women,” a project of Chochmat Nashim.
“In learning the Talmud, it is rare to come across a woman who is named in the text. It is even more rare to have a woman with a name who was ALSO a sage. A female sage who outpaced her male peers, once learning 300 halachot in a single overcast day. Beruriah.
There are stories not only of her scholarship but also of her deep personal tragedies, her bravery, her heart, her brilliant dry wit, scalpel-sharp.
I look to Beruriah and I see the foremother of all women who learn Talmud to this day. So I decided to depict her in a moment many of us would recognize: Learning at a table, reviewing her notes, deep in thought. It is a moment of solitude but not loneliness for her, of shutting out the turmoil of the world, completely content to be immersed in her mind, in the words of Torah. This is what she wants to do, was born to do.
Where would we be, those of us who study Talmud and are not men, without Beruriah? I don’t know. And I’m so glad we don’t have to find out. Because Beruriah lives on in each of us, every time we sit down to learn.”
To purchase, please click here.
Created for “SEEN: Jewish Women Illustrate Jewish Women,” a project of Chochmat Nashim.
“When I think of the story of Judith, I think of the line “All the glory of the king’s daughter is internal” — כל כבודה … and how often women are told to stay home, stay quiet, stay unseen. But here is a Jewish woman who became a hero and saved her people by doing exactly the opposite – knowing when, sometimes, one must take bold action, one must be brave. I also chose Judith because of how the story centers two women working together to achieve the goal – Judith and her maid, who I have depicted side by side, partners in the events of the Judith story
Women rely on other women, and although Judith took the leadership role and initiative, her maid went with her as a team. They leave the tent of Holofernes triumphant, the maid looking back with a small smile at their unexpected achievement.
Judith looks to the horizon, and looks forward to telling her people they are saved. Both of these women are proud, as they should be, of what they accomplished when men were too afraid to get the job done
Judith is a personal hero to me as she is to many Jewish women, and in her I find inspiration for the type of Jewish woman I want to be – know when to follow my heart, know when I CAN achieve something even when the rest of the world thinks I can’t, and be willing to risk everything for Am Yisroel.”
Prints can be purchased here.
Pencil, and white gel pen
Black, white, and metallic ink
Black, white, and metallic ink
Black and silver sharpie and pencil
Pencil portrait based on the Rolling Stone issue 1248 cover photograph of Adele.
Portrait of Miriam's dog Sansa, painted in Adobe Photoshop
A commissioned portrait featuring Miriam's friend and her daughter in the style of Raphael's Madonnas. Adobe Photoshop painting.
Pen and ink and Adobe Illustrator.
Pen and Ink on Bristol board.
20"x16" portrait. Adobe Illustrator
Commissioned pet portrait. Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
Imagining an ancestor. Pencil and paper.
Vector and traditional media art inspired by #DafReactions, #JewishLoreReactions, The Elder Millennials of Zion skits, and Miriam’s other video series.
Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah - AKA the Daughters of Zelafchad! These five porto-feminist sisters are a big mood. They are famous in the Torah for standing up in front of the entire Israelite community and filing a Title IX complaint with Moses about misogynistic inheritance laws! Their story is told in #ParshaReactions Pinchas. Pencil/ink/graphite/digital art illustration by Miriam Anzovin. Purchase as merch here!
If you’ve been screaming into the void recently, honestly, same! Luckily the void portal will always be there for us to scream into, especially in this portable design format to carry through the chaos. Inspired by Daf Reactions Sanhedrin 21.
Adobe Illustrator
Celebrate the Golem, an iconic creature from Jewish folklore, symbolic of Jewish self-defense, survival, and vengeance! The "Let's F**king Golem" phrase is from "the Elder Millennials of Zion hotline" video series by Miriam Anzovin. Available at her merch store, here.
Exactly what we say to people like Rabbi Eliezar Ben Hyrcanus, from the famous Oven of Ahknai story, who don't think women should learn Torah or Talmud. Purchase as merch here!
Featuring social media motifs (the like button, chat icon, play, and pause buttons) connected with a Jewish star.
The Bamid-Bar: A nightclub oasis in the desert, owned by Moses. Serving beer, wine, manna, and quail since 2448. Conveniently located if you've been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years! From #DafReactions: Nedarim 38/39. Purchase as merch!
Yalta is the OG baddie of the Talmud. When disrespected by the sage Ulla, Yalta went and smashed 400 barrels of wine to make her point. Yalta is an icon of destroying the Patriarchy! This print is from an original pencil and charcoal illustration. Available here as prints and merch!
Shocking, but true! Turns out I’ve been working secretly for the patriarchy THE WHOLE TIME. From #DafReactionsReactionReactions 3 (AKA “Comment Reactions 3). Available as merch here!
A classic declaration from #DafReactions: Mo'ed Katan 9! For all the Rav Hisda stans out there :-). Purchase as merch here!
Shalom, friends. Welcome to this merch! (Some of you wanted my judgmental eyebrows. Here ya go!)
Shalom, friends! But this time with an ice cream vibe. Purchase as merch here!
My favorites from the Talmud! Yalta, Beruriah, Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish, Rav Chisda, and, of course....Chad, incredibly inept assistant to the Angel of Death. Obvi. Purchase this design on merch here!
My favorites from the Talmud! Yalta, Beruriah, Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish, Rav Chisda, and, of course....Chad, incredibly inept assistant to the Angel of Death. Obvi. Purchase this design on merch here!
16 x 20"
Self portrait, 20"x16" Adobe Illustrator
Created after the horrific Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando in June 2016.
16"x20" Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator, gold metallic pen.
Vector Art
36"x24" Adobe Illustrator
20"x16" Adobe Illustrator
20"x20" Adobe Illustrator, based on a pencil sketch.
20"x20" Adobe Illustrator
8"x10" Adobe Illustrator
Published in The Queens College Journal of Jewish Studies, Volume XIII
The silhouette of a dead tree, juxtaposed with lively patterns and decorative design providing the substance of the tree's form. Adobe Illustrator.
20"x20" Adobe Illustrator
20"x20" Adobe Illustrator
20"x16" Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator
Commissioned nursery wall image incorporating the signature owl motif of the room.
8"x10" Adobe Illustrator
Published in The Queens College Journal of Jewish Studies, Volume XIII
Adobe Illustrator
20"x16" Adobe Illustrator
A selection of finished artwork and special projects close to Miriam's heart, plus a few examples of Miriam's sketches
Pen, ink, and Instagram filter
Adobe Photoshop
Sansa, Miriam's dog, goes on a photoshopped adventure to meet an ancestor.
Adobe Photoshop
Sansa, Miriam's dog, goes on a photoshopped adventure to meet her Vulpine cousins.
Adobe Photoshop
Sansa, Miriam's dog, goes on a photoshopped adventure to meet some sea lions that share a surprising familial resemblance to her!
Pen and Ink
Pen and ink and Adobe Illustrator.
Sansa and a herd of deer who live nearby, with whom she shares her aesthetic.
Commissioned illustration of Bob Dylan’s silhouette and the lyrics to “Neighborhood Bully.”
One dog’s journey.
In the style of Caravaggio's "Judith Beheading Holofernes". Bic pen and whiteout on cardboard.
Commissioned commemorative wedding illustration, featuring the bride and groom's vows, rings, and flowers from their ceremony. Created in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
Adobe Illustrator
Commissioned tattoo design.
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Podcast episode artwork for, inspired by the poster for “An American Pickle.” All Rights Reserved.
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One of a series of sharable images featuring famous historical figures wearing a "Let's Talk Israel" T-shirt or with the tagline "Give a Shirt About Israel". The goal of the campaign was to encourage college students to "Talk Israel" in a humorous and light hearted way. The logo was designed by Miriam for The David Project.
Created in Photoshop.
“The Expanse” fan art. Pencil on Bristol board, with a Photoshop filter.
Commissioned poster image utilizing the "Game of Thrones" font
Photoshop painting
Commissioned poster image utilizing the "Game of Thrones" font
Pencil sketch
Pencil sketch
Designed for the iPhone 5s and iPhone 6
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Rosh Hashanah E-Card for All Rights Reserved.
Rosh Hashanah E-Card for All Rights Reserved.
Rosh Hashanah E-Card for All Rights Reserved.
Rosh Hashanah E-Card for All Rights Reserved.
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Hanukkah E-Card for All Rights Reserved.
Hanukkah E-Card for All Rights Reserved.
Hanukkah E-Card for All Rights Reserved.
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Quarantine E-Card for All Rights Reserved.
Quarantine E-Card for All Rights Reserved. All Rights Reserved. Full Haggadah available here.
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