Miriam Anzovin is a visual artist, writer, content creator, and massive Jewish nerd, exploring the juxtaposition of pop culture, nerd culture, and Jewish culture.

Some of her popular short-form video series include #DafReactions, #ParshaReactions, #JewishHolidayReactions, #JewishBookReactions, #AVeryJewishMakeupTutorial, the “Elder Millennials of Zion” skits, and more content on Jewish themes and ideas.

In The Daf Reactions Project, she shares her practice of daily study of the Babylonian Talmud in the Daf Yomi cycle from the viewpoint of a formerly Orthodox, now secular, Millennial feminist. The videos are her authentic reactions, with commentary both heartfelt and comedic, putting ancient discourse in direct communication with modern internet culture, pop culture, and current events. 

Her role in her work is not as a teacher, nor as a rabbi, but rather as a fellow learner, a fellow traveler, on the path of Jewish discovery. Through her videos, writing, and art, she invites others to walk beside her on this journey and connect with Jewish teachings in ways that are relatable and personally meaningful to them.

Miriam was the first Artist in Residence at Moishe House, and was previously the host of The Vibe of the Tribe podcast. She is currently represented for speaking engagements by Jewish Speakers Bureau. The Daf Reactions Project is a grateful grantee partner of Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah, and Miriam is delighted to be part of the Digital Storytellers Lab’s 2024 cohort for Jewish Lore Reactions.

Miriam exists at the intersection of Sefaria and Sephora. And, also in some people’s minds, where she lives rent free. 

Connect with Miriam on Instagram, TikTok, X, BlueSky, Mastodon, Threads, and Youtube.

Miriam in the News

Read Miriam’s r/reddit AMA here!

American Jewish Humor
(By Jennifer Caplan/Religion Compass)

Jewish Women in Comedy
(By Jennifer Caplan/Jewish Women’s Archive)

Ten Jewish TikTokers
(By Tricia Crimmins/Moment Magazine)

Miriam Anzovin, TikTok Daf Yomi star, to join Moishe House(By Esther D. Kustanowitz/eJewish Philanthropy)

Q&A With Miriam Anzovin: Talmud and TikTok(Hilary Danailova/Hadassah Magazine)

Podcast and Video Appearances

Join The Esoterica Channel‬ & ‪@MiriamAnzovin‬ for a conversation about studying the Talmud for 1 page a day for over 7 years, the hilarious demons that haunt its pages - including the bathroom demon Panda - and how we can appreciate our holy texts with as much humor as erudition!

“Data Over Dogma” podcast

“This week we say shalom to TikToker and self-proclaimed "massive Jewish nerd" Miriam Anzovin. Miriam has delighted many and enraged others in the Jewish world with her unorthodox (in all the ways) take on important Jewish texts. In her TikTok series "Daf Reactions" Miriam goes through the Daf Yomi, a page-a-day cycle of Talmudic study, tying the Talmud in to her daily life as a milennial in modern society. Her videos take a critical look at the writings of the ancient sages, and connect the stories to what's happening in modern pop culture, politics, and society. Sometimes a lightning rod for controversy, and sometimes just the breath of fresh air that those studying the Talmud need, her work has gotten attention from around the world.”

Judaism Unbound Episode 406: Talmud TikTok

Miriam Anzovin is a visual artist, writer, content creator, and massive Jewish nerd, exploring the juxtaposition of pop culture, nerd culture, and Jewish culture. Through her #DafReactions, an ongoing video series where she shares her reactions to the daily Talmud page on TikTok, she has become one of the world's best-known commentators on the Talmud -- though despite that, she hesitates to call herself a "teacher" of Talmud. She joins Dan Libenson and Lex Rofeberg for a conversation about #DafReactions, its burgeoning community of followers worldwide, and what it all means for the future of Judaism. This episode is the fourth in an ongoing series of Judaism Unbound episodes exploring digital Judaism.

Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy JewsEpisode 10: It’s Daf Yomi, Mr. Frodo! …With Special Guest Miriam Anzovin. We form a small fellowship as we are joined by writer, visual artist, and TikTok creator, Miriam Anzovin. Explore the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, and many other nerd culture references. as we consider the forces of good and bad in the ordinary and extraordinary.

Her now-famous TikTok videos reacting to the Talmud's 'Daf Yomi' have made Miriam Anzovin an unlikely Jewish star. With thousands of viewers each day, is social media the new frontier for Jewish learning?

Pi Elef Podcast: Episode 197 Daf Reactions with Miriam Anzovin (In English)

Shalom Friends


Shalom Friends 😊